
Physical description


First watch the video about Monsters INC. : Click HERE !

Now, watch this other video and learn some more vocabulary to describe people : Click HERE !

Practice with these exercices ! 

3 Exercices Audio/mots mêlés/memory : 3 exercices de base 

Exercice CE/CO : Exercice (Niveau 1+) : Faire correspondre chaque image à un mot ou un son

Exercice de CE : Exercice (Niveau 2) : Lire les descriptions et les faire correspondre aux personnes

Find the monsters : Click Here !

At last, take a sheet of paper and play 'Read and Draw' the monster ! Click HERE !

[ On lance la vidéo, on lit chaque phrases, on met la vidéo sur pause, on dessine et quand on a terminé on remet la vidéo pour comparer son monstre avec l'original ]


Fly to... Australia

First, have a look at the Natural Wonders of Australia on this video.

Then, fill in your grid using this link or this link

Complete your map using the picture below (click to enlarge)
  + add the major cities
  + colour each state one different colour .
Résultat de recherche d'images pour "map of australia funny"

Learn about Aborigines by reading this

Watch the video and make a list of the 10 best places to visit in Australia :

Finally, choose ONE tourist interest of Australia, find information about it on the internet, write a paragraph and get ready to present it to the class next time.


How well do you know the British Royals ?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "british royals"

A special quizz about Queen Elizabeth

Do a crossword puzzle about members of the Royal Family : here

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "british royals"

It's a BOY !!!!!!! Meet Archie, Queen Elizabeth's last grandchild :


Irregular Verbs Test...is coming!

Vous en avez entendu parler, 
Vous le redoutiez,
Il a été annoncé...

Alors, préparez vos bataillons et soyez prêts à vous battre! 

Un entrainement sur-mesure a été concocté pour que vous en ressortiez victorieux :

N'oubliez pas de jeter un oeil à l'incontournable  Irregular Verbs Song By Manu Payet

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "test is coming"



Here is the song we listened in class to learn the alphabet...




This year the challenge will take place on  TUESDAY  MAY 3rd 2016

Get ready for The BIG CHALLENGE !
Go to the website and do the quizz to improve before D-Day ;-)

Click HERE


Keep calm and wait for Christmas

It's almost Christmas...
but for now, you're still at school and you have to study...
So, enjoy studying Christmas ;-p

First, learn or revise your Christmas vocabulary :

Now, sit back, relax and listen to a good Christmas story 

Finally, sing and learn this famous Christmas song
